Leica M Monochrom

Black and white photography is, in some respects, a lost art form. The move away from film to digital and the requisite fixed colour sensor has meant that true black and white photographs are a thing of the past, well perhaps they were till now.

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Moto Guzzi V7 Racer

The Moto Guzzi V7 Racer is, in some respects, a testament to Moto Guzzi’s history. It’s based on the Moto Guzzi V7 Sport from the 1970’s although the design and styling queues of the modern bike make it’s heritage glaringly obvious to any long time fan of the brand.

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1965 Ford Mustang

It isn’t everyday that a mint condition, factory spec Mustang arrives on the auction block. This ’65 Ford Mustang underwent a 2 year restoration to exact, factory specification, right down to the fully functioning AM/FM radio, heater and window defroster.

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