This wonderful short film tells the tale of three British men who decided, in the early ’90s, to climb onto their £500 motorcycles and ride them around the world. With no preparation, forethought, research or very much money. And they did it.
The Schott Naval Pea Coat is one of the more handsome coats available for the winter season, it’s made of Melton Wool and has leather detailing with a red satin lining.
The W196 Streamliner is a motorcar that I would have sworn blind was a 1955 Mercedes-Benz, turns out it’s beautiful hand-beaten aluminium body is a recent creation, as are the cars underpinnings.
The 1971 Ford Mustang Mach 1 has a strong following amongst modern Mustang fans, the notably different design and new engine options led to strong sales figures.
It’s not everyday you get to buy 2/3rds of the Batcave in one fell swoop. These two immaculate Batmobiles are heading to the auction block on the 1st of December this year with an estimated cost of $125,000 – $175,000 USD, which is less than a new Ferrari 458 Italia and an order of magnitude cooler.
As those of us in the northern hemisphere hunker down and prepare for what looks to be a hell of a winter, our attention turns towards gear that can handle snow/ice/rain and handle sub-zero temperatures.
This photograph beautifully captures the sense of speed of these two motorcycle racers, they appear to be racing the same model of motorcycle although I can’t for the life of me figure out what it is.
The 1970 Plymouth Road Runner Superbird is one of the most iconic American cars ever made, they were only produced in 1970 due to NASCAR’s homologation requirement…
The American Red Cross FRX3 Hand Turbine Radio and smart phone charger is something that I am convinced every home should have, it can be powered by a hand-crank, batteries or solar and can receive AM/FM/weather band radio.