Monaco, Race Of Kings – Full Documentary

With Formula One on its weeks long summer siesta it’s easy to become a little despondent waiting for it to return. I like to keep myself busy watching old races and documentaries about racing in the “good old days” and so it was with much interest that I stumbled across this film, titled ‘Monaco, Race Of Kings’.

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Rapsody R29

The Rapsody R29 is a 29ft luxury motor yacht capable of 24 knots, Rapsody call it a “gentleman’s cruiser” and I’d say that’s quite an apt description for a boat that looks like it was designed in the 1920s.

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1970 Porsche 911S/T Coupé

The Porsche 911 is one of those cars that I think all men should own, at some point in their lives. That’s a statement that’ll make people like Jeremy Clarkson begin to hyperventilate, but at the end of the day, the 911 is an icon and it’s an affordable icon if you go shopping for an ’80s or ’90s era model and don’t mind picking up a wrench occasionally.

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Havana Leather Notebook

This Havana Leather Notebook is designed to be easily refillable with perforated sheet paper, the cover is leather tanned in the L’Aveyron region of France and brass rivets old the spine together.

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