Ron Jon 7′ Quad Fish Surfboard

The Ron Jon 7′ Quad Fish is one of those surfboard designs that’ll suit both a new surfer and the guy who used to surf but had to give it up due to things like fatherhood, career advancement or that first wife who just wouldn’t stop nagging.

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Burroughs Beard Oil

Beard Oil is a form of moisturising oil-based cologne that can be worn by both bearded and non-bearded men alike. The scent of this particular beard oil is described as “The smell of freshly chopped forest woods move into a dusty carpenter’s workshop, leaving behind the deep leathered richness of a cobbler’s apron” – Which sounds to me like a fancy way of saying “manly”.

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1958 Lister-Jaguar ‘Knobbly’ Prototype

This is one of the two original 1958 Lister-Jaguar ‘Knobbly’ Prototypes, the pair of Lister-Jaguars were ordered right off the factory floor by legendary American racer, Briggs Cunningham. The Listers were fitted with SCCA compliant, 3 litre XK Jaguar engine, this created a car that was 200lbs lighter than the D-Type Jaguar, with better weight distribution and better handling.

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The Sydney Forensic Photography Archive

The Sydney Forensic Photography Archive is an incredible resource of early 20th century photographs, the best section of the archive has to be the mugshots – as you can see below they were all taken with “wet plate” cameras, a type of photography that’s actually beginning to catch on again due to the stunning depth and clarity of the images that are produced.

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Don’t Panic

So I’ll say from the outset that the above image is going to make no sense to you unless you’ve read The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams, if you haven’t read the book, go grab a copy and then come back when you’re ready.

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The Zombie Survival Guide

This book – “The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead” is a modern classic of sorts, its author is Max Brooks, the son of comedy legend Mel Brooks. Max is also a staff writer at Saturday Night Live and he’s the man who wrote the screenplay for Brad Pitt’s latest feature film, World War Z.

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1981 Suzuki GN400

When it comes to custom motorcycles we don’t often hear about the guys building sub-$1,000 machines in their garages – most of the builds that garner attention cost a minimum of $10,000 with some of the more labour intensive builds costing many tens of thousands more again.

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