Icon1000 Elsinore Boot

The Elsinore Boot series feature an internal steel shank, a thick leather upper, a rubber sole, a zipper originally designed for paratrooper boots and a series of 5 alloy buckles down the outside to make sure they stay on no matter what the hell happens.

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Bond’s Esprit

I still remember seeing the Lotus Esprit in The Spy Who Loved Me when I was a child, the car looked unlike anything I’d ever seen and I swore to myself then and there that I’d get one when I grew up.

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Mechanical Playing Cards

So long as there are men there’ll be cards, whiskey and cigars. Up until fairly recently there wasn’t a whole lot of variety available in the playing card space and so in order to rectify this, the designers at Theory11 designed this beautiful pack of steam punk playing cards.

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