The Ultimate Deck by Dan & Dave

A deck of cards can be an incredible thing, this deck by Dan & Dave is literally a work of art, each card is unique and the artwork is just mesmerising.
A deck of cards can be an incredible thing, this deck by Dan & Dave is literally a work of art, each card is unique and the artwork is just mesmerising.
Chemical Candy is a custom paint garage run by a talented guy called Scott, he’s worked on a number of high-profile projects including a bike for the Biker Build Off …
This photograph is from the film “The Girl on a Motorcycle”, a 1968 British-French film starring Alain Delon and Marianne Faithfull.
Search the globe and you’ll never find a cooler lamp than this, that main shaft is an authentic vintage shock absorber and the base is a brake disc.
This is a WWII ear photograph of trainee aircraft mechanics being trained in the finer details of Merlin engine maintenance.
Etsy is a place where you can find all manner of weird and wonderful things, it kind of reminds me of what eBay was like when it first kicked off in the nineties.
This almost surreal shot of Dan Gurney shows him wearing the standard safety equipment of the day.
This is Brigitte Bardot back in the early ’60s.
The modern bikini was a revelation when it was revealed in 1946 by designer Louis Réard, he called it the Bikini after the Bikini Atoll in the Pacific which had been blown to smithereens in multiple nuclear weapons tests.
This wonderfully obscure map of the Middle East during the Tanakh Period has been modified with a steam punk flying machine screen printed over it.
If the above certificate means nothing to you, then you don’t know who Burt Munro is. Not knowing who Burt is is an offence that’ll get you tarred and feathered around this part of the internet.
This stunning photograph of the Hindenburg floating past the Empire State Building in 1936 was just too stunning not to share, it’s quite a high resolution image so if you click it you’ll be better able to see the details.