Ford Model-T Blueprint

These beautiful blueprints, or cyanotypes, are handmade in England using the same process created by Sir John Herschel in 1842. They come on heavy grade 300gsm paper and are possibly the perfect adornment for a garage or workshop wall.

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The Sportsman Flyer

The Sportsman Flyer is a modern take on the classic boardtracker-style of motorcycle, they’re built by Pat Dolan in Gilroy, California and rather surprisingly, they’re available to buy without breaking the bank.

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Top 11 Features of 2011

We’ve decided to combine the top 11 features of 2011 onto a single page, partially because we have many readers now that we didn’t have at the start of the year, partially because 2011 has an 11 at the end of it, but mostly because we all love the film This Is Spinal Tap.

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