Cafe Racer #59

This is another one of those fantastic old photographs featuring an old motorcycle which I know nothing about, rather than venturing a guess as I usually do I’m just going to throw it right to the comments and ask for your best guesses, with extra points for people who can tell me who the rider is.

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Evel Knievel – Feature Film

This 1971 feature film tells the story of infamous motorcycle daredevil, Evel Knievel. It’s equal parts comedy and biography with plenty of stunts thrown in for good measure, it’s 1:28:00 long and it’s well worth watching if you’re the kind of person who used to jump bicycles over rickety wooden ramps as a child.

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Ducati 350 by Radical Ducati

If you’ve been a regular reader of Silodrome for more than a few weeks you’ll know of our fondness for the Spaniards over at Radical Ducati, today we’re featuring a rather unusual build from the team at RD, it’s a classic Ducati 350 single and it’s a far cry from their more modern regular fare.

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