1953 Ferrari 340/375 MM Berlinetta ‘Competizione’

This is a 1953 Ferrari 340/375 MM Berlinetta ‘Competizione’ and it’s one of those wonderful ’50s era Ferraris that even non-sentient, single celled organisms find beautiful.
This is a 1953 Ferrari 340/375 MM Berlinetta ‘Competizione’ and it’s one of those wonderful ’50s era Ferraris that even non-sentient, single celled organisms find beautiful.
The Series 2 Land Rover is a beautiful vehicle, not everyone can see its good-looks, but those who can will swear to you that it’s just as beautiful as a Jaguar XKSS.
The Shinbu knife by James Williams is designed specifically to be used by modern military personnel, many of James Williams’ creations are carried by special forces while deployed overseas and the Shinbu is popular due to its size.
The 1930 Bugatti Type 46 Coupé Superprofilée is a stunning motor car, the 46 was the “Baby Royale”, or the slightly smaller luxury car offered by Bugatti in the spirit of the Royale.
The Spirit of Munro is a salt lake racer built as a hat tip to legendary motorcycle racer, Burt Munro. Munro’s original streamliner was based on a 1920 Indian motorcycle, the bike was ancient by the time he set his last record (at 47 years old), it’s a staggering testament to his abilities as an engineer that he was able to set so many records with it, including the under-1000cc world record which still stands today.
The 1938 Indian Chief incorporated a number of improvements over the 1937 model, the engineers at Indian worked on refining each model year as best they could and so the 1938 Chief had dozens of these small improvements.
In 1938 Ettore Bugatti started work on an aircraft designed to win the illustrious Deutsch de la Meurthe Cup Race and to test performance technologies with a view to using them on French fighter planes. Before the incredible plane had a chance to fly, the Nazis invaded France and left Ettore and his chief engineer Louis de Monge with no choice but to smuggle the partially completed aircraft out under the cover of darkness to Bugatti’s estate outside Paris.
The Crookes Radiometer is one of those historical curiosities that even today has scientists hotly debating back and forth about how it actually works.
For those of you who didn’t know, a “Silodrome” is actually a Wall of Death, a huge silo shaped chamber in which stuntmen (and women) ride around the walls at speeds high enough to create G-forces higher than gravity. This allows them to ride at a 90 degree angle to the ground whilst generally goofing around almost never dying.
When it comes to wooden cars, most people will immediately think of the Morgan, some will remember the old Africar and others will think of Fred Flintstone’s foot-powered coupe. This old Talbot will cheerfully give any of them a run for their money, the entire body is crafted from Honduran mahogany, making the car look almost like a 4-wheeled version of the Baby Bootlegger.
Perkin Knives is a UK based company that specialises in producing Damascus steel knives, hatchets and axes.
This beautiful Industrial Scissor Lift Table is a creation from Restoration Hardware, it’s based on the scissor lifts used in 19th and 20th century factories and has a large side-mounted crank wheel allowing the owner to adjust the height to suit their garage, livingroom or shed.