Ducati 750 SS

Sometimes a motorcycle comes along that I’d quite happily hold the Pope hostage in order to buy. For me, this 1972 Ducati 750 SS 200 Miglia Imola Corsa ‘Replica’ is one such bike.
Sometimes a motorcycle comes along that I’d quite happily hold the Pope hostage in order to buy. For me, this 1972 Ducati 750 SS 200 Miglia Imola Corsa ‘Replica’ is one such bike.
Belstaff make some of the best and most timeless gear money can buy, this 2012 version of the tried and tested Trial Master Jacket is one of those absolutely essential wardrobe items for people like me, who often get stuck outdoors on a motorcycle when it decides to start raining.
This great action shot features Donald Healey at the helm of an Austin Healey 3000 MKII on the salt flats of Bonneville in 1953.
Bandit 9 is a relatively new custom motorcycle workshop in Beijing headed up by Daryl Villanueva, it currently has 2 CJ750 builds on the showroom floor and both of them are phenomenal looking bikes.
The convergence of fine art and good engineering is almost commonplace in the world of international racing, this great series of cutaway illustrations show this convergence rather well. It’s fascinating to see totally the different approaches to super bike design employed by engineers from around the world, all with one common aim.
Modern Motor Cycle Company is run by the talented mechanic and industrial designer Christian Condo, he started MMCC as a workshop he could use to create custom motorcycles as well as handmade motorcycle parts and moto related art.
The 70’s were a gold-era in the production of off-road motorcycles, it may just be my personal preference but bikes like this just look so much better than the plastic and graphics covered dirt bikes of today.
The Harley-Davidson Sportster is a venerable beast, first introduced all the way back in 1957 the Sportster has seen countless model variations and almost limitless customisations. With all that in mind, I can’t help but be convinced that if the powers that be at Harley-Davidson just rolled a motorcycle like this out of their Milwaukee factory, the company’s fortunes would rapidly take a turn for the better.
Sometimes when you discover something, you instantly wonder why it didn’t occur to you to invent it. For me, this was one such thing. Built by Kaufmann Mercantile this multi-function key chain has both a flat-head and cross-head screwdriver, a pry bar, a lighter and a pair of tweezers.
Watches like this appeal to me, they’re antithetical to the currently-trendy giant face hipster watches and they stand well apart from anything digital.
We’ve decided that we’re going to feature short films on Silodrome on Sundays, a sort of weekend-24fps-salve for all that ails you. This week we’re featuring a wonderful short film about Paul McKinnon, the owner of Evolution Custom Industries out of Sydney, Australia.
The book Adventures of a Motorcycle Despatch Rider is the true story of Captain William Watson’s experiences during the first World War. The book covers Captain Watson’s extraordinary journeys through Ireland, Wales, England and France as the first 2 years of the war unfolded.