1957 Zundapp Bella Scooter

This scooter is a classic 1957 Zundapp Bella, it’s a 200cc 2-stroke with an electric start and a beautiful fire engine red paint job. The eBay seller says it has a clear Ohio title and has been stored indoors for the past few years…

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Rocket Espresso Cup

The Rocket Espresso Cup is a great example of how a brilliant industrial designer can take a simple every day product and make it so instantly desirable that people like me would commit highway robbery to own one.

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Pull Over by Under 2 Flags

We love this uniquely designed pull over by Under 2 Flags, the top almost has a futuristic-retro feel to it and although it’s too warm in most of the Northern Hemisphere to wear at the moment, this is a good time to grab one for the marked down price of just $72 USD.

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