A Quick History Of The Volvo Amazon

Volvo Amazon car station wagon

The story behind the design of the Volvo Amazon is quite complex and takes in influences from a number of sources. Volvo had recruited Jan Wilsgaard from the Handicraft Society School (which is nowadays called the HDK, School of Design and Crafts). The young Wilsgaard’s first design work for Volvo was a large V8 powered car called the Volvo Phillip made in 1950.

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Veldt Helmets – The Desert Race x Fuel Motorcycles Limited Edition

Veldt Desert Race x Fuel Motorcycles Limited Edition Helmet

Veldt Helmets are designed and made by the same team who developed the stunningly beautiful Atéliers Ruby helmets that took the high-end motorcycle helmet market by storm a few years ago. Ruby co-founder Jean-Etienne Prach founded Veldt on the Isle of Man, a place already sacred to motorcyclists, and he brought a number of former Ruby employees with him.

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