1957 Daytona Beach Race

The 1957 Daytona Beach Race was one of the truly classic early NASCAR events, the cars had to be showroom stock with only some minor safety additions. I think this sort of racing series would be incredible to see nowadays, totally stock sedans racing on circuits around the world would draw a lot of attention. Hell, I’d watch it.

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Iron & Resin Hooligan Derby

The Iron And Resin Hooligan Derby is a race series that took part at the Ventura Raceway in California in April, May, June, September and November 2012. This video is a highlights reel of sorts, I just watched it twice and now I’m dying to go race with the guys next season.

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Sidewinder Jim

Motorcycle sidecar racing is one of the most extreme motor-sport events I’ve ever encountered. I can’t imagine the guts it must take to be the guy hanging off the side into every turn, with total faith in the chap holding the handlebars.

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Daytona Beach Corner

It seems a damn shame to us that the beach races at Daytona beach no longer take place. I can hardly imagine how much fun it must have been, the corner pictured here would be a blast to ride and should you happen to fall off, you’d have some nice soft beach sand to land on.

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