The Death and Life Of Vincent Motorcycles

Vincent is one of the most highly respected names in the world of motorcycling, Hunter S. Thompson was a big fan, the most famous motorcycling photograph ever, Rollie Free at Bonneville in his swimming trunks, featured a Vincent Black Lightning and between 1948-1955 Vincent produced the fastest production motorcycle in the world, the Black Shadow.

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Zero Type 5 by Zero Engineering

This particular Zero is currently for sale, it features the 96” S&S V-Series Evo Engine, and original Harley-Davidson 5 Speed Transmission, a beautiful Zero Original 2 into 1 Exhaust with Ceramic Coating Finish and 52 miles of road-testing on the odometer.

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Aviator Goggles by Jeantet

In 1880 Eugene Jeantet founded the Jeantet company, ten miles west of Lake Geneva in the quaint French town of Morez. The Jeantet company created and sold mostly the pince-nez style of spectacle for motorists and cyclists until 1929 when Eugene’s son, Léon, invented the aviator goggle.

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The Forgotten 1962 Ford Mustang

If the Ford Mustang I Prototype had seen the green light for production things would have turned out very differently. In October ’62, when the first Mustang I debuted at the United States Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, New York, the Formula One driver Dan Gurney lapped the circuit using the prototype. His lap times were only slightly off the pace of the Formula 1 race cars.

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