Love and a Motorcycle

This isn’t really my idea of a couples activity but hey, each to their own. It’s hard to tell if the motorcycle is actually moving or if there is a slim person standing behind them holding it up, either way this probably isn’t an activity to you to be doing as you ride by a police cruiser.

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The Magpul Ronin

In 2010, as a design and engineering exercise, Magpul acquired a Buell 11125R and set to work on it. What you see above and below is the completed bike, and I can’t help but think it’s pretty remarkable. The Magpul Ronin is a…

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General Motors Aerotrain

The General Motors Aerotrain was an experimental direction taken by GM in the mid-1950’s, it was designed by legendary car-man Chuck Jordan, the classic 50’s American car influence is clearly apparent in its conceptualisation from tip to tail.

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Tag Heuer Dashboard Timer

Modern design trends tend towards the digitisation of formerly mechanical objects, often into an onscreen display. Whilst I understand the importance of progress I can’t help but feel a little nostalgic for a time before Turing’s idea really took off and the mechanical device was still king.

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The Liberty Tool Company

A love of motor vehicles goes hand in hand with a love of tools. Without our tools we’re at the mercy of someone else’s creative vision and sometimes, that just isn’t good enough. This beautiful short film centres around a man called H.G. “Skip” Brack and his store, The Liberty Tool Company.

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Knuckler Glove by Iron & Resin

A decent pair of leather gloves are a step below a helmet in their importance to motorcyclists, I’ve had a couple of motorcycle mishaps in my time and it always seems that my hands hit the ground first, followed by every other part of my body, with varying degrees of speed, pain and skin-loss.

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Rev-2 by Wonder Bikes

Jason Wonder is one of those young, talented individuals that make you sit back and try to remember what you had achieved by the age of 24. This wonderful custom (yes, yes, the pun was terrible) is based on a Harley-Davidson V-Rod, however not much of the original bike remains.

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Shell Road Map

From the early 1920’s right through to the 1980’s oil and gasoline companies used to hand out free road maps featuring their own company advertising. From a marketing perspective, it’s a very good idea and I’m surprised it isn’t more commonplace nowadays.

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Autodromo Vallelunga

This watch by Autodromo is named after the circuit and has a clear automotive design influence with the front dial resembling an RPM gauge, the overall minimalism in the design appeals to me as does the price, $425 is a lot less than I excepted this to retail for when I first saw it.

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