Hardtail Airlines

I shudder to think what happened to this bike and rider on landing. I like to think that he landed it like a boss and came around for a second run, but I doubt it.
I shudder to think what happened to this bike and rider on landing. I like to think that he landed it like a boss and came around for a second run, but I doubt it.
The Triumph T120 is a veritable beast of a motorcycle, the model was originally introduced back in 1959 and saw a remarkable lifespan of 16 years and innumerable model iterations.
I’ve heard rumours of balloon tires being used on WWII motorcycles in North Africa…
Iron & Resin have organised a series of races at the Ventura Raceway in California in April, May, June, September and November, the part that piqued my interest was the fact that the race is vehicle class: anything.
This unique café racer is a hybrid of sorts, not the Priusy kind of hybrid that smells like lentils, but a hybrid in the…
Sure, you might have seen this picture before. But hell, it’s Monday and we all need a laugh. Hit the Facebook share button below if you’d like to cheer up your friends. Or make them cringe.
The inset text reads “A scout suddenly discovering the enemy flops his cycle to return fire with his Sub-Tommy Gun. Fort Knox, Kentucky, 1942.”
The humble Kawasaki KZ400 is all too often overlooked by custom motorcycle builders which is a shame really as it has mammoth potential.
This is one of those beautiful photographs that no one seems to know anything about, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess Atlantic City boardwalk, mid 1920s.
The Wild One kickstarted a whole generation of motorcyclists, the Triumph that Brando rides in the film is still a hugely popular model for vintage bike enthusiasts.
Garage Project Motorcycles is a fantastic Perth based custom motorcycle garage run by a chap named Rex, they turn out custom café racers with a healthy dose of approachability and clean, aesthetically pleasing design.
When it comes to customising Vincent motorcycles, bike builders have to walk a very, very fine line. One misstep and they’ll have thousands of pitchfork wielding moto-purists beating down their door, baying for blood.