Steve McQueen’s Cleveland Fowler

Cleveland started manufacturing motorcycles in 1915 with fairly rudimentary 2-stroke singles, by 1925 demand for a larger and more powerful 4-stroke finally won over the company management and engine designer F.E. Fowler set about building an all-new 4 cylinder 4-stroke with a 600cc displacement and a 3 speed transmission.

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The Slugger by Mikael Lugnegård

I love great industrial design. It actually puts me in a good mood to discover hitherto undiscovered designers whose work deserves much wider exposure. This motorcycle concept, dubbed “The Slugger” is the work of Swedish designer Mikael Lugnegård, a talented 31 year old with a penchant for automotive and motorcycle design based in Umeå.

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John Wayne On A Motorcycle

This great photograph of John Wayne was taken in 1970 on the set of Big Jake, a western set in 1909. Wayne is said to have used the Honda to get around the set and there are rumours that he wrote the bike off one evening after having had a few too many drinks and attempting to ride back to his trailer.

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The Velocette KTT

The Velocette KTT is a milestone in the history of the motorcycle, it was the first production motorcycle to use a foot-shifter (the bikes of the time used hand-shifters) and is credited with setting the trend that all modern production bikes now adhere to.

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Ducati 900ss Cutaway

The Ducati 900ss was originally released in 1975 and was paired with a sister 750cc model, interestingly the 1975 bikes used a right-foot gear shift despite recent US regulations which stipulated that all motorcycles use left-foot shifters.

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The Ural M70

The new M70 model from Ural is a tribute to the legendary M72 Ural, the original motorcycle built by the Russians in a secret factory in the Ural mountains. The M72 was directly based on the German R71, taking the successful German design and…

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Love and a Motorcycle

This isn’t really my idea of a couples activity but hey, each to their own. It’s hard to tell if the motorcycle is actually moving or if there is a slim person standing behind them holding it up, either way this probably isn’t an activity to you to be doing as you ride by a police cruiser.

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