Kawasaki KZ400 by Motoscoolture

The humble Kawasaki KZ400 is all too often overlooked by custom motorcycle builders which is a shame really as it has mammoth potential.
The humble Kawasaki KZ400 is all too often overlooked by custom motorcycle builders which is a shame really as it has mammoth potential.
This classic leather satchel by Montague is designed in the same style as vintage military briefcases, each one is handmade and special care is given to ensure the bags last long term, all corners and stress points are riveted and a thick, high grade leather is used throughout.
I’d be smiling ear to ear as well if I was belting around a mountain in the go seat of a dusty Mercedes 300SL.
The Caterham 7 is one of my top “must have” cars, the company used to be a kit car company producing the official, modern version of the classic Lotus 7 however in recent times they’ve gone from strength to strength and now own their own Formula 1 team.
I love coffee. As any great lover of coffee will tell you, you have to have the right gear or you won’t get the right coffee. Now personally, I’m a french press man with a penchant for South American 100% arabica coffee..
This is one of those beautiful photographs that no one seems to know anything about, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess Atlantic City boardwalk, mid 1920s.
This is possibly the best shot of Frank I’ve ever seen. If, like me, you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to win at life, now we know.
The Porsche 904 GTS was originally released in 1964 as a successor to the type 718, the 904 GTS was a huge step forward from a technology perspective and has a long list of race wins to prove it.
The Wild One kickstarted a whole generation of motorcyclists, the Triumph that Brando rides in the film is still a hugely popular model for vintage bike enthusiasts.
I don’t know many men who aren’t die hard Star Wars aficionados. In fact come to think of it, I don’t know a single XY chromosome bearer who doesn’t border on the fanatical when it comes to Star Wars appreciation.
Garage Project Motorcycles is a fantastic Perth based custom motorcycle garage run by a chap named Rex, they turn out custom café racers with a healthy dose of approachability and clean, aesthetically pleasing design.
The Herr Judit Automatic is a timepiece developed by TRIWA in collaboration with the legendary vintage shop Herr Judit in Stockholm. The style is classic with a dollop of contemporary and it has a look that will quite literally never go out of style.