Departing Titanic

This photograph shows the Titanic departing Southampton on the 10th of April 1912, you can see a steam tug boat on the Titanic’s right hand side and the sailors on the prow throwing off the bowline.
This photograph shows the Titanic departing Southampton on the 10th of April 1912, you can see a steam tug boat on the Titanic’s right hand side and the sailors on the prow throwing off the bowline.
White Heather I was a sailing vessel built at the turn of the 20th century, she’s a stunning boat and represents a pinnacle of not just aesthetic marine design, but of design in general.
The Oru Folding Kayak is a staggeringly clever piece of design, it’s the brainchild of San Francisco designer Anton Willis and it’s been created to fold out..
This boat, called the Hedonist, by Art of Kinetik takes the elegance of modern, wooden boat design to a new level. Each boat is meticulously handcrafted to the point where I feel slightly guilty referring to them as just “boats”.
The sheer size of the Titanic never ceases to amaze, especially when you consider that it was designed with nothing but slide rules and drafting tables.
The Lun Class Ekranoplan is one of those vehicles that seems to large for life, almost like a James Bond villain’s mobile lair.
The P40 by Spirit Yachts is, and I say this without reservation, one of the most beautiful production boats in the world. The 40 foot powerboat is hand made from nature’s carbon composite or “wood” as it’s commonly known…
Buehler’s Backyard Boatbuilding is a bible of sorts to the men who build classic boats in their garages and backyards, it’s engagingly written, often humorous and covers everything from buying suitable wood…
This fascinating footage of motorboat races in 1925 in Buffalo shows a wide variety of watercraft from the era including a spectacularly beautiful steam powered ship (about half way through).
The wFoil 18 Albatross Hydrofoil is one of those ideas that seems to come out of nowhere and then make you wonder why the hell no one did it already.
This is the Delta 26 Open, a new design from Scandinavian based Delta Powerboats. It comes with the option of either a 220hp diesel with a top speed of 38 knots..
John Hacker spent 6 decades designing some of the most beautiful mahogany speed boats the world has ever seen, he invented the now ubiquitous “V”-hull design and he built the floating biplane for the Wright brothers after the turn of the 20th Century.