I quite often get emails from readers asking me where certain motorcycle builders get their vintage motorcycle tires (well, retro motorcycle tires is probably a more accurate description), so I decided to create a post dedicated to the older style tires.
This beautifully proportioned Yamaha XS650 is exactly the sort of thing I’d like parked in my garage. Built by La Corona Motorcycles, the Spanish custom motorcycle builder..
The Honda CX500 is one of the more innovative Japanese motorcycles of the late-70s, the bikes were liquid cooled, electric started, shaft-driven, modular wheeled, V-Twins with a reputation for being low maintenance daily riders.
This footage is from the 1967 Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix, and shows the fatal accident of Lorenzo Bandini, the Ferrari driver clipped a chicane and was sent upside down into the hay bales with
We’ve been in touch with Walt and he agreed to give us an exclusive look inside his workshop, so we can all see the process of taking a Ducati 900SS and turning into what you see above and below.
Bikes aren’t the only thing Classified Moto does though, the above video was filmed by Mondial and shows John and his wife building one of the iconic Classified Moto lamps from start to finish.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=-eIuUq-GZok In 1958 the first Daytona Beach Convertible race was held, this 25 minute film (split into 3 segments) covers the whole event from…