Bullet-Proof Vest Testing

Many years ago, before the advent of “manscaping” and the resulting loss of a generation of men to the affliction of metrosexualism there existed real men.
Many years ago, before the advent of “manscaping” and the resulting loss of a generation of men to the affliction of metrosexualism there existed real men.
If ever there was a story that needed to be made into a feature film, it’s the story of Rick Rojatt, The Human Fly.
The somewhat unusual looking Boker Plus Tactical Pen Cal .45 is what happens when you set a team of German knife designers loose with the task of creating as pen that can be used as a self-defence weapon.
The Art Of Fixing Things is the kind of book we all need sitting on our bookshelves, it covers everything from repairing cars, household appliances, garden machines, farm equipment and doing home improvements and it’s described as “a resource for smart people who have never had the opportunity to learn the basics of tool use, maintenance and repairs”.
The team at Izola have a special knack for making stuff that I’d commit an armed felony to own. This “The Hell With Work” hip flask is a great example of their gear, it’s made from stainless steel, has a flat bottom and a screw-on cap to keep that sweet, sweet nectar safe.
Legacy Classic Trucks is a Jackson Hole, Wyoming based company that restores and customises classic American trucks. This is their tweaked version of the Dodge Power Wagon, it’s a veritable beast of a 4×4 and I’m not sure there’s any terrain on the planet it couldn’t handle with relative ease.
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy I think we’re all evaluating our preparedness for extreme events, with that in mind, meet the Böker EMS Rescue Knife.
The American Red Cross FRX3 Hand Turbine Radio and smart phone charger is something that I am convinced every home should have, it can be powered by a hand-crank, batteries or solar and can receive AM/FM/weather band radio.
Best Made Co. is one of those online stores that I could spend all day rummaging through, this is their first aid kit and it’s both a great decorative item for your log cabin and a fully functioning medical kit…
The PowerPot is a relatively small, portable power generator that just requires a campfire or heat source to operate. It’s capable of charging everything from cell phones to GPS units and radios, or anything else that runs on lithium ion battery units.
If you’re one of those people, like us, who has a habit of accidentally destroying your iPhone every time you leave the house, the SpareOne Emergency Phone might be just what you need.
The Camel Trophy was an event that rivalled the Paris-Dakar in its fame and perhaps surpassed it in its difficulty. The event exclusively used Land Rovers between 1987 and 1998…