Lady Grease Monkey

So an old friend of mine had a Mrs who treated him like her personal mechanic, this was more work than you might expect as she was the kind of lady who only changed up a gear when the engine was revving so high it was on the verge of creating a tear in space/time, she also liked to smush the brake pedal at the last possible moment, often creating so many forward-Gs that items in the back seat would end up embedded in the glove compartment.

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Volvo P1800

The Volvo P1800 is one of those classic cars that very nearly never existed, Volvo had contracted Karmann to build the beautiful coupé however before full production began Karmann received an ultimatum from VW clearly stating that if they built the P1800 for Volvo, VW would cancel all contracts with them.

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Mystery Racer

We received this photo in the email inbox yesterday from a Silodrome reader, he wanted some more information on the car but we’re all stumped. It’s a beautiful looking retro racer and now we’re curious as well, so if you know anything about it, or can offer some clues, let us know in the comments below.

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Brütsch Mopetta

The Brütsch Mopetta is an interesting historical curiosity, only 14 of the microcars were ever made and even though there were some negations with Opel, nothing came of the talks and the car, sadly, never saw a production run.

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1965 Amphicar Convertible

It’s a wonder to me that some enterprising automaker hasn’t created an affordable, amphibious roadster for public consumption. Sure we have a few boutique car companies that sell interesting but hugely expensive amphibians but there’s nothing out the for the common Joe.

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Fairway London Cab

It’s not common knowledge that London Cabs can be bought by non-cab drivers, the infamous British actor/writer Stephen Fry has one in London and uses it as his daily driver.

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Top 11 Features of 2011

We’ve decided to combine the top 11 features of 2011 onto a single page, partially because we have many readers now that we didn’t have at the start of the year, partially because 2011 has an 11 at the end of it, but mostly because we all love the film This Is Spinal Tap.

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