Triumph Kip

I’ve never personally had a sleep on a motorcycle, though this chap does make it look rather comfortable.
I’ve never personally had a sleep on a motorcycle, though this chap does make it look rather comfortable.
I love the look on Sean Connery’s face in this shot. I won’t beging to speculate as to what he was thinking, but I’m sure it had nothing to do with Dr No.
Meet Hazel. This photograph of her from 1927 shows her smiling broadly before a show at an American fairground. We don’t know much more about Hazel but she does look like the kind of girl it’d be fun to have a drink with.
I’ve had this picture sitting around for a while, it isn’t perfectly framed but I like the off the cuff feel of it and the fact that it seems to capture the latter part of a summers day.
Okay so without a doubt, this is the single greatest hill climbing photograph I’ve ever seen.
I’d love to know the backstory here though I doubt anyone can shed light on it due to the age of the photograph. It appears to be a chap hammering along on a beautiful AJS with a large bunch of flowers tied to the speedometer.
Daisy Duke was the first crush for many boys who grew up in the ’70s or ’80s, the Dukes of Hazzard was the TV show that had it all, car chases, scantily clad women, goodies, baddies and a bright orange 1969 Dodge Charger.
The boardtrack racers of the early 20th century were some of the ballsiest men ever to grace the world with their presence. Their motorcycles had no brakes and very little suspension.
After last weeks popular post about racing Vespas on the roof of the iconic Fiat Factory in Turin, I did a little more research into scooter racing and came across this wonderful old picture of a chap hammering along on his Vespa, looking for all the world like Rollie Free.
This is another one of those fantastic old photographs featuring an old motorcycle which I know nothing about, rather than venturing a guess as I usually do I’m just going to throw it right to the comments and ask for your best guesses, with extra points for people who can tell me who the rider is.
This photograph shows the Titanic departing Southampton on the 10th of April 1912, you can see a steam tug boat on the Titanic’s right hand side and the sailors on the prow throwing off the bowline.
Anke-Eve Goldmann was a journalist for a number of international motorcycling magazines including Cycle World, Das Motorrad in Germany, Moto Revue in France…