Vintage Shoe Company ‘Isaac’ Boot

The Vintage Shoe Company is based in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, they hand make some of the best looking footwear in the USA and this is their current favourite from their collection.
The Vintage Shoe Company is based in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, they hand make some of the best looking footwear in the USA and this is their current favourite from their collection.
The El Bajo is exceptionally well built and looks suited to being worn both on and off the bike…
This boot by Kenneth Cole fits into that narrow zone between a motorcycle boot and a dress shoe, allowing it to be something you could wear with a suit…
Stylemartin produce some of the best looking retro motorcycle boots money can buy, they seem to have found a niche where they build boots with modern safety elements inside a vintage design, largely aimed at people who ride classic motorcycles.
A pair of motorcycle boots capable of handling winter riding are a must if you’re a resident of the Northerm Hemisphere, this pair of light-tan boots by Stylmartin are just about perfect for people who run screaming from the usual dayglo graphic smattered motorcycle boots and they won’t break the bank.
Vitesse Moto are a unique motorcycle footwear company, they specialise in low volume high-quality footwear for motorcyclists who want to look good on and off the bike.
Finding motorcycle boots is a matter of balance. At one end of the spectrum you have the hyper-modern-flashy-graphics boots with carbon fibre toe guards and dayglo neon logo’s emblazoned across every inch of available space and at the other end of the spectrum you have the “I’m a hard-core dentist wannabe biker” boots that are generally all black with lots of shiny chrome studs (and maybe even spurs).