Bullet-Proof Vest Testing

Many years ago, before the advent of “manscaping” and the resulting loss of a generation of men to the affliction of metrosexualism there existed real men.
Many years ago, before the advent of “manscaping” and the resulting loss of a generation of men to the affliction of metrosexualism there existed real men.
In the wake of Hurricane Sandy I think we’re all evaluating our preparedness for extreme events, with that in mind, meet the Böker EMS Rescue Knife.
Best Made Co. is one of those online stores that I could spend all day rummaging through, this is their first aid kit and it’s both a great decorative item for your log cabin and a fully functioning medical kit…
The El Bajo is exceptionally well built and looks suited to being worn both on and off the bike…
This open face helmet by Draxtar seems to be aimed at the pilot/motorcyclist who doesn’t like to change helmets all that often. Far from…
As an avid motorcyclist I have always been reassured if slightly baffled by helmet standards, if seems odd that there is more than one standard and as you dig deeper you learn that different standards have vastly different requirements and not surprisingly, there is serious controversy about what’s best.