12000cc Dunlop Special

This 1970s era Dunlop advertisement is just about the best motorbike tire promotional piece we’ve ever seen.
This 1970s era Dunlop advertisement is just about the best motorbike tire promotional piece we’ve ever seen.
I think it’s delightfully insane that someone thought it a good idea to take a slightly offbeat Hot Wheels model and make it a fire-breathing 730hp super-charged reality.
I’m going to need someone to explain, or try to explain, what the hell is going on in this picture. Click the image for the large size.
It seems a shame that this clip is only 0:48 seconds long, seeing people skiing down a mountain being pulled by a Porsche 550 Spyder, Porsche 356, assorted Triumphs and other motorcycles is genuinely incredible.
I shudder to think what happened to this bike and rider on landing. I like to think that he landed it like a boss and came around for a second run, but I doubt it.
Sure, you might have seen this picture before. But hell, it’s Monday and we all need a laugh. Hit the Facebook share button below if you’d like to cheer up your friends. Or make them cringe.
There’s a a lot to be said for the sporting endeavours of the first motorists, “Auto Polo” is a long dead sport that set off in the early 1910s with one event even taking place at Madison Square Garden in New York City.
Well, I don’t really have a category for this post. I spent about an hour staring at this picture yesterday trying to figure out how the hell this guy was controlling the throttle, transmission and brakes. If you think you know, educate us all in the comments below.