Audrey Hepburn and her Vespa

There’s something timelessly appealing about Audrey Hepburn, this photograph of her is from the 1953 film “Roman Holiday”, also staring Gregory Peck.
There’s something timelessly appealing about Audrey Hepburn, this photograph of her is from the 1953 film “Roman Holiday”, also staring Gregory Peck.
After last weeks popular post about racing Vespas on the roof of the iconic Fiat Factory in Turin, I did a little more research into scooter racing and came across this wonderful old picture of a chap hammering along on his Vespa, looking for all the world like Rollie Free.
This scooter is a classic 1957 Zundapp Bella, it’s a 200cc 2-stroke with an electric start and a beautiful fire engine red paint job. The eBay seller says it has a clear Ohio title and has been stored indoors for the past few years…
Sure, you might have seen this picture before. But hell, it’s Monday and we all need a laugh. Hit the Facebook share button below if you’d like to cheer up your friends. Or make them cringe.
This is singer-songwriter Kathleen Edwards and her pooch, in a park just outside of Toronto, Canada. Vespas with sidecars attached have always
This delightful, slightly modified, Puch moped is currently listed for sale over at Britton Bees. The air-cooled 50cc single cylinder Puch was a regular addition to the zeitgeist