Genuine Speed Sportster by Hide Motorcycles

I can’t help but love the work of Hide Motorcycles, this bike, named the Genuine Speed Sportster is a great example of the Japanese garage’s work.
This all-original ’72 Harley-Davidson XR750 Flat Tracker was originally owned by AMA racer Davey Camlin, he used it as his primary race bike as an amateur and, then sold it when he went professional in order to buy a new XR.
Originally titled the Aermacchi-Harley Davidson RR350, Harley had bought control from Aermacchi in 1974. The RR350 is a master-class in ’70s bike design, I’d love to see Harley Davidson step away from its almost Adderall-level focus on lumbering V-Twins.
The Harley-Davidson XLR-TT roared onto the scene in 1958 and remained in low-volume production until 1969, depending on which experts you listen to,…
Some people hate Harleys and some eat, sleep and dream them. I consider this a Harley that’s easy to love and tough to hate….