Being on a motorcycle and carrying gear isn’t easy as many people imagine, messenger bags can be slightly worse than useless due to their tendency to swing around to the side or front under braking. Backpacks are good but they can cause fatigue on longer rides and although panniers are perfect, many of us don’t want permanent bolt-on luggage attached to our bikes.
This is where the Sandqvist + Wrenchmonkees Backpack/Pannier Bag comes into its own, it’s a normal backpack when you want it to be and then it can be attached to the side of your bike with a universal strap system. Each bag has a pocket for a laptop up to 15″ and is constructed from heavy duty cotton canvas and leather, with a leather reinforced bottom, a roll top closure and adjustable shoulder straps.

Articles that Ben has written have been covered on CNN, Popular Mechanics, Smithsonian Magazine, Road & Track Magazine, the official Pinterest blog, the official eBay Motors blog, BuzzFeed, Autoweek Magazine, Wired Magazine, Autoblog, Gear Patrol, Jalopnik, The Verge, and many more.
Silodrome was founded by Ben back in 2010, in the years since the site has grown to become a world leader in the alternative and vintage motoring sector, with well over a million monthly readers from around the world and many hundreds of thousands of followers on social media.