Lamborghini Rat Rod

The slightly unusual car you see here is the answer to a debate that was had between Pawel Wisniewski and his friend Jans Slapins,…
The slightly unusual car you see here is the answer to a debate that was had between Pawel Wisniewski and his friend Jans Slapins,…
I’m not entirely sure how to categorise this motorcycle, it started life as a 1996 Harley-Davidson Sportster however it’s clearly been reworked from tip to tail and it now resembles a sort of rat rod, heavy boardtracker.
Rat Rods are one of those things that I love in spite of myself. I’d be embarrassed to drive one around town but I’d love to race them on dirt roads, up windswept beaches or across the Bonneville salt flats.
Rat Rods are an occasional guilty pleasure of mine, regular chromed out show-pony hot rods don’t do it for me but with Rat Rods…